Manage all your online orders, menus, availability, and hours in a single place with our easy-to-use tablet software.
All delivery/pickup orders in a single tablet
Update menus & availability in one click
Payment & performance data dashboards
Combine Orders, Menus. Hours
Save up to 2 hours everyday
Your custom and personal virtual restaurants built for your restaurant. We work off your existing menu items and kitchen capabilities. Start receiving orders and making money.
Increase revenue
Reach more customers
No extra costs or changes required
Start Your Virtual Restaurant
Earn up to $50,000/year in extra income
Our AI tool analyzes your third-party platform orders and provides recommendations for reducing future losses to these disputed orders. Restaurant operators see a reduction of over 65% lost money within 30 days of launching.
Reduce Your Third-party Delivery Order Disputes With Deep Insights
Empower Your Kitchen With Real-time Insights on Order Issues
Accurate Financial Accounting For Your Business
Minimize Your restaurant Downtime with Real-time Notifications and Auto-restart
Start Saving Money
Save on 65% of refunds
Our AI tool helps you automate the process of managing your online reviews, making it easy to reply to reviews on popular review platforms like Google, Yelp, and delivery platforms like Doordash, Grubhub, and Uber Eats. Increase sales, improve the customer experience, and boost your online ratings to attract more customers
AI enabled auto-responses
All In One Consolidated Review Management System
Automate Reviews on DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Grubhub
Increase Sales and Improve Customer Experience
Engage Your Customers
Increase sales by over 20% with reviews
With the right dashboards and automated nudges, get live information on your restaurant deactivations, missed orders, cancelled orders, downtime, bad restaurant reviews.
Get text and email notifications for:
Error, canceled and missed orders
Downtime and platform integration breakages
Order volume decreases
Poor restaurant reviews
Have full control and management of your restaurant at all times, even remotely
We will do live pricing updates, photos update, descriptions, menu structure, etc. for you. Make the most money you can on DoorDash, UberEats, Grubhub.
Refreshed menu & AI-generated photos
Advanced smart pricing
One-stop platform support
Order Management & Reporting Analytics
Understanding your commissions, taxes, profit margins, and marketing spend can be painful because they are fragmented across multiple platforms. With our financial management product you can see everything under one tool.
Get paid on time, even when delivery platforms are late
Accurate Financial Accounting
Get paid daily, not weekly
Build your restaurant's website within 30 seconds, It’s the world’s fastest AI website builder for restaurants.
(quicker than popcorn)
(even your grandma could use it)
(you won’t lose your shirt using it)
(jaw dropping designs)
Build Your Website
Within 30 seconds
Enhance your restaurant's guest experience with our cutting-edge Feedback and Customer Survey Software. Capturing valuable insights has never been easier.
Measure Guest Experience With Feedback Forms
Customized Surveys to Consolidate Customer Opinions
Streamlined Analytics and Reporting Tool
Robust Integrations With Popular Online Ordering Tools
Order Management
Virtual Restaurants
Dispute Management
AI Review Management
Operations Management
Financial Management
Restaurant Survey and Feedback System
AI Websites

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.


Orders processed


Revenue Increase for Restaurants


Cities we operate in

Use your existing restaurant kitchen, staff, and ingredients
Atlanta Diner
Your restaurant
Our Software
Automate third party platforms
Atlanta Diner
Automate platforms
Amazing stock photography
Intelligent item pricing
Charge back handling
Rich item descriptions
Launch new virtual brand
Hot Dog
Reach more customers
Launch new brands on delivery platforms
Websites within 5 minutes
Attract more customers through your optimized website

Why Do Restaurants Love Us?

We focus on data to find customers exactly what they want and enable you to effortlessly operate your online kitchen.

In today’s digital world, over 60% of an average restaurant’s sales come from off-premise dining— delivery and pickup. All-in-One and easy to use, Superorder's platform allows every restaurant to be successful at online sales.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

More orders. More customers. More cashflow.

Built for Restaurants

Grow Your Customer Sales

We are experts at increasing a restaurant’s revenue and work with 1,000+ restaurants. We enable you to increase your revenue via virtual restaurants, websites, marketing, and branding.

Understand Your Business

Understanding your margins and profits is hard with multiple revenue sources. With our in depth financial reporting you will be able to understand how you can become more profitable.

Manage Your Restaurant Online in One Place

Instead of using 10+ software tools to manage your restaurant just use our tablet and printer to operate all your revenue sources. We also enable you to manage your marketing, menu, and hours.

Simple to Use

Software can be complicated. We work extra hard to ensure our software is simple and easy to use. Our job is to make your life easier, not harder.

Full Control of Your Restaurant

Choose your custom virtual restaurant

Go above and beyond your current restaurant sales through custom built virtual restaurants. We start with data, analyze it, and target customer demand to drive additional orders daily directly to your kitchen.

Control menu and hours

Manage all your online orders in one place, and eliminate missed and error orders. Sync multiple menus edits and availability in real-time. Forget scrambling to manage multiple tablets in the kitchen.

Control your margins

Always have a pulse on your finances and performance. Increase your restaurant sales while saving on delivery costs, marketing, and time. Review dashboard analytics on your payouts, taxes, fees, and more.

Control your marketing

Automate promotions and marketing on all delivery apps to boost your visibility and customer reach. Optimize on data backed strategies to instantly find success instead of guessing on the unknown.

Running a profitable restaurant became that much easier

What people are saying

Gjevat Neziraj
Besa’s Pizza & Pasta

They bring us good orders and keep sales up. They’ve been very helpful and are good people. Always welcome at my restaurant here in Dallas.

Peter Fogel
Academy Bar & Kitchen

We hit the jackpot with Superorder. They have saved our business and our partnership with them now provides a majority of the restaurant’s business through their delivery expertise. I couldn’t be more thankful and happy with them.

Aura Piyada
A Plus Thai

Superorder has helped us increase our revenue, create successful virtual restaurants, and advise us on what will work in the market based on data. Everything we have done has been a huge success.

Zeid Al-Gharaydeh
Sam’s Chicken and Pizza

Superorder is bringing us more orders and every day I see either consistent or growing sales. There’s so much foot traffic in our restaurants to pick up the Superorder orders that our restaurant is always extremely busy which is good for business.

Get Started